Dynamic T-SQL and Benefits of its Usage

Languages & Coding, T-SQL

In our projects, we have to cope with different tasks. To solve some of them, we use dynamic T-SQL....
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New Query Hints Including USE HINT in SQL Server 2016 SP

Languages & Coding, T-SQL

This article is an introduction to the query hint overview that appeared in SQL Server 2016 SP1. There are many different thoughts on using...
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SQL Server 2016: New T-SQL Features

Languages & Coding, T-SQL

In this article, I would like to describe several new T-SQL features available in SQL Server 2016: DROP IF EXISTS, SESSION_CONTEXT, MAXDOP,...
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How to Pass Parameters in Dynamic T-SQL Query

Languages & Coding, T-SQL

Developers are often faced with the need to build a dynamic query, however, there are a number of...
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Retrieving SQL Server Metadata with Help of T-SQL

Languages & Coding, T-SQL • 2 Comments

This article contains a list of scripts that mine the SQL Server metadata in the various system functions, stored procedures, tables, and...
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