Database administration

How to Get SQL Percentage Calculation as Easy as Pie 

SQL Server, Work with data

Percentage calculation in SQL can be a bit like traversing an unfamiliar labyrinth. If you’re a...
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SQL Server PARTITION BY: A Beginner’s Lifesaver on How to Partition Datasets 

SQL Server, Work with data

Is SQL Server PARTITION BY clause giving you a brain freeze?  Beginners feel like entering a complex maze at first glance of code...
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T-SQL CHAR vs. VARCHAR: How to Store Text and Slash Query Time 

SQL Server, Work with data

Is it a big deal to choose between CHAR and VARCHAR? What if your choice between CHAR vs. VARCHAR results in a nightmare of query...
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How to Download, Install and Restore AdventureWorks Database in SQL Server

Database administration

Sometimes, we need a sample database that has all the required objects along with a large set of...
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What is SQL Server? (Definition, Versions, Editions)

Database administration, Database development

Excited? That’s how it feels to learn a new skill on your first day. It can also feel a bit overwhelming. You have lots of questions. You...
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SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) for Visual Studio: Main Features

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

SQL Server provides SQL Server developers and administrators with dedicated client tools for day-to-day usage. Namely, they are SQL Server...
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Get Your SQL Server Database Size with Ease: Stored Procedures in Action

Database administration, Memory Optimization

As popular as the cloud services are nowadays, there’s still a good chunk of on-premises...
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The Importance of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

Database administration, Tools & technologies, Work with data

Any SQL Server DBA, Developer, or end-user always needs a client tool to connect to SQL Server and access its features. In this article, we...
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Machine Learning {.NET} Image Classification

Automation, Database administration

One of the best scenes from Silicon Valley is Jian Yang demoing his “Hotdog, not hotdog” application. In this article, we will build...
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How to Read and Interpret SQL Errors

Troubleshooting Issues

Error codes in SQL are generated by the server to provide information about what has gone wrong....
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