User-Defined Data Types In SQL Server
SQL Server platform comes with many data types, but there are cases when they are not sufficient....
Varchar To Date Conversions In SQL Server
In many scenarios, date and time information is loaded and stored in the text format. Converting these values to the date/time type is a...
User-Defined Functions in SQL Server
User-defined functions in SQL Server (UDFs) are key objects that each developer should be aware of. Although they are very useful in many...
JSON in SQL Server: The Ultimate Guide to JSON Data Manipulation
In the last few years, JSON has positioned itself as a standard data exchange format between...
Execute Dynamic Query in SQL Server
Dynamic SQL is a statement constructed and executed at runtime, usually containing dynamically generated SQL string parts, input...
Storing Binary Data Types in SQL Server
Introduction Daily work rarely requires storing binary data directly to database columns. However, it is very useful in some cases....
Implementing Error and Transactions Handling in SQL Server
Introduction No matter how hard we try to design and develop applications, errors will always...
How to Use Array Functionality in SQL Server
Have you ever been asked how to create array in SQL Server? Or, you might be asked how to how to store values in an array in SQL Server....