In Search of Fast Local Storage
Recently, I was involved in the development of the functionality that required a fast and frequent...
XML performance tips
Parsing data from XML using XQuery is a routine practice. In order to do this most effectively, little effort is required. Suppose we need...
Everything you should know about SQL Server JOINS
The focus of this article is going to be on utilizing JOINs. We will start off by talking a bit about how JOINs are going to happen and why...
Aspects of Strings in .NET
The string data type is one of the most significant data types in any programming language. You can...
Foreach or For – That is the Question
The discussion about the preference difference between FOREACH and FOR is not new. We all know that FOREACH is slower, but not all know...
Is string operator “+” so simple?
Introduction A string data type is one of the fundamental data types, along with numeric (int, long, double) and logical (Boolean) ones....
Creating and Accessing In-Memory OLTP Databases and Tables
This is the second article in a series of articles about SQL Server In-Memory OLTP. The...
Handling a GDI Resource Leak
GDI leak (or, simply the usage of too many GDI objects) is one of the most common problems. It eventually causes rendering problems,...
SQL Server In-Memory OLTP: The Basics
This is the first article in a series of articles about In-Memory OLTP. It helps you to understand how the new Hekaton engine works...
Query Performance Insight: Discovering What Consumes Resources of Your Azure SQL Database?
In this post, I’d like to take a brief look at the Query Performance Insight — SQL Azure tool...