Comparison of 6 Best Dependency Injection (DI) Inversion of Control (IoC) Containers
I have often questioned myself which IoC container would be suitable for this or that project best....
GitHub for Windows Users
If your project is stored only on your disk, then you are in for trouble when the disk fails. Even a regular backup will not always save...
Modular WPF Application using Caliburn.Micro and Castle.Windsor
To start with, I want to specify what is meant by a modular application in this article. So, a modular application will be considered an...
Steps to Reduce Code Size after Use of Strategy Pattern
This article features a few tricks to reduce the size of the code resulting from the use of the...
Single IoC Container in the HTTP-request: Web API vs. OWIN Middleware
In this article, I am going to provide you with a working solution that allows you to have a single dependency container (IoC container)...
SSAS: Attention, Accuracy, and All the Benefits
This article is about working with Microsoft Analysis Services and a little bit about the repository on Microsoft SQL...
EFFECTIVE CODE REVIEW: Uprooting Source Code Defects
Preface In software development, a small coding error can result in a critical vulnerability that...
Lightweight Code Review
This is the third article in a series of articles that describe code review process. In this part, we will have a look at the lightweight...
EFFECTIVE CODE REVIEW: Formal Approach to the Process
Formal Approach to Code Review This is the second article in a series of articles that describe the whys and hows of the code review...