Comparing Objects by Value. Part 5: Structure Equality Issue
In my previous publication, I described the fullest and the most correct way to compare objects by...
Troubleshooting long running queries in MS SQL Server
Preface There is an information system that I administer. The system consists of the following components: 1. MS SQL Server database 2....
SQL Server: Useful Tips for Newbies
In this article, we will discuss typical errors that newbie developers may face with while designing T-SQL code. In addition, we will have...
Comparing Objects by Value. Part 4: Inheritance & Comparison Operators
In the previous article, we analyzed how to compare objects by value on a particular example with...
Implementing SQL Server Performance Indicator for Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers
Preface Sooner or later, a DB administrator would like to have a performance indicator for SQL Server queries. As we all know, running...
Automating Index Defragmentation in MS SQL Server Database
Preface The World Wide Web offers a bunch of information on SQL Server index defragmentation or SQL Server index rebuild. However,...
Insight into SQL Server Unique Constraints
What are unique key constraints? A unique constraint is a rule that restricts column entries to...
Comparing Objects by Value. Part 3: Type-specific Equals and Equality Operators
In Part 1 and Part 2, we have analyzed how to modify a class to compare objects by value. Now, we will explore a type-specific...
In Search of Fast Local Storage
Recently, I was involved in the development of the functionality that required a fast and frequent transfer of large volumes of data to...
XML performance tips
Parsing data from XML using XQuery is a routine practice. In order to do this most effectively,...