.NET Managed + C Unmanaged: What’s the Cost?
When I was programming in C#, I used to send all recursive tasks to an unmanaged C code, since the...
LinqToSolr – use LINQ to obtain data from Solr
Due to the fact that in my company, Solr was chosen as a full-text search platform, there appeared a strong desire to simplify the work...
Functional C#
C# is a multi-paradigm programming language. Recently, the course has been set towards new functional constructions in C#. We can go...
Specification Design Pattern in C#
In computer programming, the specification pattern is a particular software design...
CombGuid: Generation of SQL Server-friendly Guid Values in .NET Applications
Usage of UUID as a primary key for tables has a bunch of pros, including the option to retrieve IDs for objects created in a client...
Hangfire: Task Scheduler for .NET
Hangfire is a multi-threaded and scalable task scheduler built on client-server architecture on .NET stack (Task Parallel Library and...
Precise Computation of CLR Object Size
I think many developers have been wondering: How many bytes does an object instance take in managed...
Comparing Objects by Value. Part 6: Structure Equality Implementation
We have already analyzed peculiarities of structs of the .NET framework that represent Value Types when comparing objects by value –...
Comparing Objects by Value. Part 1. Beginning
It is a common fact that the .NET object model, as well as other software program platforms, allow comparing objects by reference and by...
Sorting in .NET
Sorting is a typical task each programmer should be aware of. That’s why this article is...