Database administration

Grouping Data using the OVER and PARTITION BY Functions

Database administration, Work with data • One Comment

The OVER and PARTITION BY functions are both functions used to portion a results set according to...
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Implementing Incremental Load using Change Data Capture in SQL Server

Database administration, Work with data

This article will be interesting to those who often have to deal with data integration. Introduction Assume that there is a database where...
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Using Indexes in SQL Server Memory-Optimized Tables

Database administration, Database development, Indexes, Memory Optimization, Performance Tuning

Introduction In this article, we will discuss how different types of indexes in SQL Server memory-optimized tables affect performance. We...
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Example of Improving Query Performance with Indexes

Database administration, Database development, Indexes, Oracle, Performance Tuning

In this article, we’ll look at how an index can improve the query performance. Indexes in Oracle...
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Implementing a Common MS SQL Server Performance Indicator

Database administration, Performance Tuning

Introduction There is often a need to create a performance indicator that would show database activity related to the previous period or...
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Missing Indexes in MS SQL or Optimization in no Time

Database administration, Database development, Database Optimization & Structure, Indexes • One Comment

When executing a query, the SQL Server optimizer tries to find the best query plan based on existing indexes and available latest...
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Database Optimization: Indexes

Database administration, Database development, Database Optimization & Structure, Indexes

I noticed that very few people understand how indexes work in SQL Server, especially Included...
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5 Ways to Update Data with a Subquery in Oracle SQL

Database administration, Work with data

A subquery is a powerful way to find the data you want to use for another query. They are often used in SELECT and UPDATE statements to...
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Setting Database Access Permissions

Database administration, Security

Server security mainly depends on how correctly you can configure access permissions on objects. Providing a user with excessive...
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Performance of Table Variables in SQL Server

Database administration, Database development, Performance Tuning, Tables

In this article, we are going to touch upon the topic of performance of table variables. In SQL...
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