Database administration

Configuring Database Mail Notifications in MS SQL Server

Database administration

Introduction Often, there is a need to somehow inform administrators about the problems with a...
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Synchronizing database structure between applications

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

Anyone who has ever developed applications that use a database has probably faced the problem of updating the database structure when the...
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Understanding Dirty Read Problem with SQL Server

Database administration, Troubleshooting Issues

One of the most common problems that occur while running concurrent transactions is the Dirty Read problem. A dirty read occurs when one...
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More about Introduction of Time zones in long-lived Project

Database administration, Troubleshooting Issues • 3 Comments

Some time ago, we started to adapt the system to the new market that requires support for time...
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Key Indicators of Problem Design

.NET, Computer Environment, Database administration, Troubleshooting Issues

The concept of good or bad design is relative. At the same time, there are some programming standards, which in most cases guarantee...
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Transparent Data Encryption and Always Encrypted

Database administration, Security

If you need to store confidential data in your database, you can use data encryption. SQL Server supports encryption with symmetric keys,...
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Why Multiple JOINs are bad for Query or Do Not Get in the Way of Optimizer

Database administration, Performance Tuning, SQL Server

Recently, I came across an application that generated DB queries. I understand that there is...
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Database administration, Performance Tuning

One of the available algorithms to join two tables together in SQL Server is Nested Loops. The nested loops join uses one join input as the...
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SQL Server Security Ponderings

Database administration, Security

DBA is the guardian of the data, and there are two aspects of being a guardian. The first one is integrity. It includes tasks like checking...
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SQL Server: The dark side of NVARCHAR

Database administration, Work with data

Introduction In this article, we are going to talk about using the nvarchar data type. We will...
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