Database administration

ML{.NET} Introduction

Automation, Database administration

Machine Learning (ML) has come from a buzzword that is nice to have in your application to a...
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TempDB Full? How to Shrink and Maintain Your SQL Server’s Temporary Database

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

In my previous article about SQL Server System Databases, we learned about each system database that comes as part of SQL Server...
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ENUM (Enumeration) Data Type in MySQL: Top 12 Facts and Useful Tips

Database administration, MySQL, Work with data

MySQL ENUM data is a string data type with a value chosen from the list of permitted values. You set these permitted values during the...
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VARCHAR and NVARCHAR Data Types in SQL Server

Database administration, Work with data

Relational databases represent an organization’s data in tables that use columns with different...
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SQL Server System Databases Maintenance

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

SQL Server Installation by default creates several system databases per instance to maintain and administer that instance. In this article,...
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How to Change Server Level Collation of Running SQL Server Instance

Database administration, Work with data

In my previous article I have explained the basics of SQL Server Collation. I would suggest you first read that article (if you haven’t...
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How to Change Database Collation in SQL Server: Step-by-Step Guide

Database administration, SQL Server, Work with data

When you develop an application or write a code in the SQL database system, it is crucial to...
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SQL Server Transactional Replication Issues

Database administration, Performance Tuning, Transaction Log, Troubleshooting Issues

We started talking about SQL Server Transactional Replication issues earlier. Now, we are going to continue with a few more hands-on demos...
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How to Get SQL Server Statistics Information Using System Statistical Functions

Database administration, Database development, Database Optimization & Structure, Stored Procedures

Often, we need to gather system statistics regarding running SQL Server Instances, such as the number of total connections attempted to SQL...
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SQL Server RAISERROR Statement with Simple Examples

Database administration, Database development, Stored Procedures, Troubleshooting Issues

The SQL RAISERROR statement is used to send a custom message to the client application. It also can...
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