Database development

An Overview of the PRINT Statement in SQL Server

Database development, Statements

The SQL PRINT statement serves to display the user-defined message. For example, you are developing...
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How to Rename a Table Name in SQL Server

Database development, SSMS, Stored Procedures, Tables

One of the most critical database administrator’s duties is managing database objects. For instance, the application logic changes,...
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SQL Basic Commands: How to Write Simple Queries with Examples

Database development, Statements

This article explains writing simple SQL queries from the most basic ones and gradually improving the script to solve some mathematical and...
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Top 5 Facts to Find and Replace SQL Texts in SQL Server with REPLACE Function

Database development, Statements, Work with data

Today’s code editors and word processors come with a search and replace feature. It is...
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How to Create and Deploy Azure Database for MySQL Server using Azure Portal and Workbench

Azure, Cloud, Database development, MySQL

This article describes the step-by-step deployment process of the Azure Database for MySQL Server. Open the Azure portal and log in using...
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MySQL Insert Command vs T-SQL Query Syntax with Examples

Database development, Languages & Coding, MySQL, Statements, T-SQL

Developers are lifelong students. Gaining new knowledge as fast as we can is always our gig. If you’re coming from the T-SQL camp,...
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SQL Server DELETE – Removing One or More Rows from a Table with Slightly Advanced Scenarios

Database development, Statements, Tables, Work with data

The current article focuses on slightly advanced use of the DELETE statement to remove one or more...
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How to Round (UP/DOWN) in SQL Server – 5 Useful Tips

Database development, Statements

We’ve been taught to round numbers since we were kids. When you round off 1.15 to the nearest tenths, will it be 1.2 or 1.1? Using the...
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MySQL Create View, Replace View and Drop View Statements with Examples

Database development, MySQL, Statements, Views

An SQL view is a virtual table or a result-set generated by the SELECT query. Unlike physical tables, views do not store data in a...
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SQL Server Delete Statement: How to Remove One or Multiply Rows from the Table

Database development, Statements, Tables

The right application of the DELETE statement for data removal is crucial, and it involves lots of...
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