User-Defined Data Types In SQL Server
SQL Server platform comes with many data types, but there are cases when they are not sufficient....
ENUM (Enumeration) Data Type in MySQL: Top 12 Facts and Useful Tips
MySQL ENUM data is a string data type with a value chosen from the list of permitted values. You set these permitted values during the...
VARCHAR and NVARCHAR Data Types in SQL Server
Relational databases represent an organization’s data in tables that use columns with different data types allowing them to store valid...
SQL VARCHAR Data Type Do’s and Don’ts for Faster Databases
This post has “strings attached: for a good reason. We are going to explore deep into SQL...
FLOAT Data Type in SQL Server: A Practical Guide to Prevent Unexpected Mathematical Errors
Have you ever thought that SQL can be wrong in math? It sounds crazy. But if you’ve used the SQL FLOAT data type, you may have come...
Storing Binary Data Types in SQL Server
Introduction Daily work rarely requires storing binary data directly to database columns. However, it is very useful in some cases....
SQL Data Types: 5 Worst Choices You Need to Stop Today
Do your choices of SQL server data types and their sizes matter? The answer lies in the result you...