How to install SQL Server vNext and Azure data studio on Ubuntu 18.04
Azure data studio is a cross-platform database management tool. This tool is used to connect,...
Applying SQL Transformations and Handling Missing Values in Azure ML
In this article, we will introduce SQL transformations in action. We will also see how to handle missing values in our dataset. Consider a...
Microsoft Azure Vs Amazon Web Services: What’s your Ultimate Choice?
Have you heard the term cloud computing? Do you wish to try your hands on cloud platforms? Well, if you seem to be a newbie to this new...
Microsoft Graph or Azure Active Directory Graph API: Which is better?
Are you a .NET developer who is stuck in great confusion when it comes to choosing Azure Active...
How to Test Azure Web Application Performance through Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio
Before deploying your application into production, doing a performance load test is imperative for measuring future performance and ensure...
How SQL Server 2016 Took Azure SQL Data Warehouse to Next Level
Azure SQL DW (SQL Data Warehouse) is a massively parallel, petabyte-scale, cloud solution for data warehousing based on SQL. It is highly...
Migrating SQL Server Database to Azure SQL (PaaS)
In this article, we will highlight SQL Server Data migration to Azure SQL (PaaS). You can...
Azure Cosmos DB Analysis
Azure Cosmos DB is the first globally distributed, multi-model database service for building world-scale applications. Over the years, it...
Choosing Azure SQL Purchase Model and Service Tier
When we are beginning to think of migrating our on-premises databases to Azure SQL, we have to decide on a proper purchase model, a service...
Configuring Azure SQL Long-term Backup Retention
Backup is the most important case for database administration because it provides business...