T-SQL Datetime Data Type
Introduction Data types are attributes that specify the kind of data that objects such as columns,...
Using Trace Flag 3226 to Suppress Log Backup Logging
Introduction Every backup operation in SQL Server is written to the SQL Server Error log. This includes Transaction Log Backups even when...
Concatenation in Transact-SQL
Introduction Assuming you maintain a table containing customer data, and your boss asks you to send him the current list of customers and...
In-depth Exploration of Row Level Security
Introduction Organizations are becoming more and more concerned about how to reduce the cost of...
Dealing with NULLs in SQL Server
What is NULL? NULL or the NULL marker is the way we represent an unknown value in SQL, by SQL I am referring to the standard Structured...
Query Store: Showing the Impact of Indexes on Inserts
Introduction It is common knowledge in database circles that indexes improve query performance either by satisfying the required result set...
Navigating SQL Server Error Logs
Introduction One of the key skills you need as a database administrator or an IT person is...
Monitoring Backups Across Instances
Introduction In the last two or three months, I have been asked twice for a solution native to SQL Server that consolidates a backup report...
How to Move Datafiles in SQL Server – Part 1
Introduction There are a number of situations which would warrant the movement of database files or transaction log files from one volume...
Fixing Data Loss Using Log Shipping with Delayed Recovery
Introduction Transaction Log Shipping is a very well-known technology used in SQL Server to...