Database administration

Introduction to Row-Level Security in SQL Server

Database administration, Security

Why Row Level Security Matters? Prior to SQL Server 2016, table-level security was the default...
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Dealing with NULLs in SQL Server

Database administration, Work with data

What is NULL? NULL or the NULL marker is the way we represent an unknown value in SQL, by SQL I am referring to the standard Structured...
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Essentials and usage of NOLOCK hint in SQL Server

Database administration, Security

The main idea of the SQL Server locking mechanism is that it controls the consistency of transactions. According to this principle, if a...
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Auto-Email System to Send Database Summary Report

Automation, Database administration

Database monitoring is the most essential job of any database administrator. Big organizations and...
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Creating and Deploying Multiple Versions of Database through Schema Snapshots

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

Overview This article talks about using database schema snapshots to maintain different versions of a database to be deployed to different...
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SQL Server Database Replication

Database administration • One Comment

Database replication is the technology to distribute data from the primary server to secondary servers. Replication works on Master-slave...
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Overview of Data Compression in SQL Server

Database administration, Work with data

The database is a critical and vital part of any business or organization.  The growing trends...
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Navigating SQL Server Error Logs

Database administration, Troubleshooting Issues

Introduction One of the key skills you need as a database administrator or an IT person is generally the ability to monitor systems very...
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Monitoring Backups Across Instances

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

Introduction In the last two or three months, I have been asked twice for a solution native to SQL Server that consolidates a backup report...
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How to create Snapshot Replication

Database administration, Database Optimization & Structure

The concept of snapshot replication is simple. It generates and distributes the snapshot of schema...
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